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Remix Dame Zina


It's free

Just register below and you can download the stems. We will publish stems regularily.
It's free and you can freely use all stems for remixes. However if you wish to use it as samples for new tracks (not a remix), please ask us for authorization. All songs are registered with SACEM, so please don't use the samples without authorization.

You publish it

Publish your remix on Soundcloud, including the keyword #damezinaremix and a link on Soundcloud's original title page ; promote it on your social networks with #damezinaremix. You can release the remix anywhere as non-commercial, just include something like "(the original title) by Dame Zina - (your name) remix" in your remix title.

We release it

For each single, we will choose 1 to 3 remixes among the most played/most shared and release them. Each chosen remix will get a production contract, an advance payment for rights and a share of sales. Alternatively, ask us if you prefer to release the remix anywhere yourself.

Have fun!

Free registration

Only name and email is mandatory to download stems. Click here to register